Why Hiking is Awesome?

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For outdoor enthusiasts, hiking is much more than just a form of exercise. It’s a passion and a lifestyle that offers countless physical, mental, and emotional benefits. There are so many reasons why hiking is totally awesome.

Hiking Keeps You Healthy

Hiking delivers an incredible full-body workout. The challenging terrain engages all of your muscle groups as you climb uphill, scramble over rocks and logs, and traverse uneven ground. It builds strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.

Calorie Burn

The calories burned while hiking depend on the difficulty of the terrain, the weight carried in a backpack, and your pace. Here’s a look at the average calories burned per hour hiking:

TerrainWeight CarriedCalories Burned/Hour
Flat, good trailNo pack370 calories
Flat, good trail20 lb pack580 calories
Moderate hillsNo pack550 calories
Moderate hills20 lb pack730 calories
Steep hillsNo pack730 calories
Steep hills20 lb pack920 calories

As you can see, hiking uphill while carrying a loaded pack can burn over 900 calories per hour, making it an excellent calorie-blasting workout.

Strengthens Your Heart

Hiking up hills and mountains repeatedly challenges your cardiovascular system, strengthening your heart muscle. This improves circulation and blood flow throughout your body. Studies show hiking can reduce risk factors for heart disease.

Lowers Blood Pressure

The physical activity of hiking has been shown to help reduce resting blood pressure on a regular basis. This helps prevent hypertension and related health issues.

Boosts Bone Density

Hiking involves walking or running on natural, uneven terrain. This combination of impact and instability forces bones and muscles to constantly adjust, increasing bone density over time. Regular hiking can help prevent osteoporosis.

Improves Cholesterol

By lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol, the aerobic activity of hiking helps keep your heart healthy and blood flowing properly.

Hiking is Good for Your Mind

Being out in nature and away from technology while hiking does wonders for your mental well-being. Here are some of the cognitive perks:

Reduces Stress

The exercise and outdoor environment of hiking help activate endorphins which can relieve stress and anxiety. Getting out in nature also lets you unplug from digital distractions causing stress.

Alleviates Depression

Research shows exposure to nature has mood-elevating effects that help alleviate depression. Combining outdoor time and activity triggers positive neurotransmitters.

Boosts Creativity

Letting your mind wander without distractions boosts creativity. Hiking allows solution-based thought processes to flourish. Many hikers brainstorm ideas and solve problems while on the trail.

Improves Memory

Studies show memory performance and recall are improved by spending time in nature while hiking without sensory distractions.

Social and Emotional Benefits

Beyond the physical and mental, hiking also provides social and emotional perks:

Develops Self-Confidence

Conquering long miles and tough terrain boosts self-confidence. The sense of accomplishment transfers to other areas of life.

Reduces Anxiety

Being in nature creates a relaxed state that relieves anxiety. The exercise also alleviates anxiety through endorphin release.

Encourages Reflection

With clear thoughts, hikers can reflect on life, identify goals, and come up with plans. The trails often lead to clarity.

Fosters Adventure

Hiking allows you to explore and see new sights. The varied terrain keeps every hike exciting and unpredictable.

Promotes Self-Discovery

Moving through beautiful remote settings often leads to learning more about yourself, and becoming more grounded and self-assured.

Creates Camaraderie

Hiking solo can be rejuvenating, but hitting the trails with friends builds bonds. Sharing the experience creates lasting memories.

Additional Benefits of Hiking

Some other awesome advantages you’ll get from hiking include:

  • Taking in fresh air and getting extra Vitamin D from the sun
  • Letting your eyes rest by looking at long-range views
  • Experiencing a sense of freedom and escape from everyday life
  • Exploring new places and discovering sights you couldn’t reach by vehicle
  • Developing wilderness skills and learning about nature
  • Gaining preparation and fitness for backpacking trips
  • Meeting other hiking enthusiasts on the trails

The list of reasons why hiking is amazing goes on and on. No matter what draws you to the trails, hiking offers a fun, rewarding way to improve your health and outlook on life.

Hiking Locations to Match Interests

The hiking options are incredibly diverse, varying from leisurely nature walks to extreme overnight expeditions. With so many locations and trail styles, there’s truly something for everyone seeking adventure and outdoor immersion:

Beach Hikes

For awesome coastal scenery, try beach hiking along famous routes like the Oregon Coast Trail or California’s Lost Coast Trail. Beach terrain can be sandy or rocky.

Summit Hikes

Get your mountain fix by bagging peak summits. Work your way up trails with rewarding views at the top. Popular summit hike destinations include the Rockies, Sierra Nevadas, and Cascades.

Forest Hikes

Immerse yourself in lush greenery hiking through temperate rainforests, like those found in Olympic and Redwood National Parks. Marvel at massive trees and ferns.

Desert Hikes

For hardy hikers, desert trails offer unique challenges and scenery. Try southern Utah’s canyon country or Saguaro National Park near Tucson. Look for petroglyphs left by ancient cultures.

Volcano Hikes

Get a small taste of hiking on other planets traversing old lava flows and craters. Check out Hawaii Volcanoes National Park or Mt. Saint Helens.

Canyon Hikes

Incredible formations carved by waterways await at sites like Antelope Canyon in Arizona and Zion National Park in Utah. Cool off hiking through the water at the bottom.

Waterfall Hikes

Hike through lush terrain to marvel at powerful cascades and waterfalls, like at Yosemite National Park in California or Ricketts Glen in Pennsylvania. Misty views abound.

No matter your interests and fitness level, there’s a hiking locale perfect for you. Part of the fun is exploring new and varied destinations.

Best Hiking Gear and Equipment

While all you technically need for hiking is sturdy shoes, picking the right gear enhances comfort, safety, and enjoyment on the trails. Here are some must-have items:


Hiking boots or trail shoes with good ankle support and tread keep you stable and prevent injury on uneven terrain. Waterproof models are best in frequently wet areas. Break them in pre-trip.


Day packs hold essentials like water, food, layers, first aid, and navigation. Look for breathable packs with waist and chest straps that distribute weight. Go bigger for overnight hiking.

Trekking poles

Walk easier on your knees and gain stability traversing steep, rocky trails with adjustable trekking poles. Helpful when carrying heavy packs.


From simple printed maps to GPS devices, choose navigation suited to your route’s complexity. Having a way to find your way is essential.

First aid kit

Carry essentials for treating minor injuries like cuts, scrapes, blisters, and sprains that can happen on the trail. Bandages, ointments, wraps, and medications are key.


Illuminate the path and your campsite after dark with a high-lumen headlamp. Especially vital if hiking solo.


Spark campfires easily with effective fire starters. Options include traditional matches, stormproof lighters, and magnesium flint sticks.

Pocket knife or multi-tool

Handle gear repairs and cutting rope, cord, or bandages on the go with a quality pocket knife or multi-tool packed in your backpack.

Water treatment

When refilling from streams, treat questionable water to kill bacteria and protozoa. Bring compact purification tablets or filters.

Hiking apparel

Opt for moisture-wicking, quick-drying fabrics. Synthetics and wool are best for insulation. Check gear lists to dress properly for the conditions.


With amazing destinations across the globe combined with a wide range of trails to explore, hiking offers the ultimate adventure activity. It provides all the benefits of walking and running on uneven natural terrain with the thrill of exploring the outdoors. From beach hikes to soaring summits, and stunning forests to red rock deserts, there are endless options. Hiking strengthens your body, soothes your mind, and feeds your spirit. The social bonds built while sharing these experiences are invaluable. With such an incredible array of reasons why hiking is awesome, it’s easy to see why it’s become a passion for so many outdoor lovers. Whether a leisurely stroll through nature or a challenging trek to new heights, hiking has something amazing in store.

Frequently Asked Questions About Why Hiking is Awesome

What makes hiking such a great form of exercise?

Hiking engages your whole body with cardio, balance, climbing, scrambling, descending, and more. The varied terrain makes your core and stabilizer muscles constantly adapt. It’s a full-body workout while exploring nature.

Can I still get health benefits from hiking if I’m not in great shape?

Absolutely. Start with easier flat trails and work your way up to more challenging routes. Even a leisurely hike boosts your heart rate and circulation while shedding calories and stress.

How is hiking with poles different than just regular hiking?

Trekking poles enhance stability, engage your arms and upper body, absorb impact, and reduce strain on your legs and knees. They also assist with balance in carrying heavy packs on steep routes.

Will day hiking help prepare me for backpacking trips?

Definitely. Day hikes condition your body for the mileage and terrain while allowing you to test the gear and navigation skills needed for overnight backpacking.

Is hiking safe to do while pregnant or with little ones?

Absolutely, as long as you pick gentle, well-marked trails appropriate for their abilities. Take frequent breaks and listen to your body. Always pack extra food, water, and layers.

Can I hike alone safely or do I need a partner?

Solo hiking has risks but is doable with proper preparation. Have navigation skills, and hiking experience, and share your plan. A partner is safer if any medical issues exist.

Do I really need special hiking boots or can I wear running shoes?

Trail runners work for many hikes but hiking boots better protect ankles from uneven terrain and provide durability for rugged routes. Choose footwear based on location.

How can I make hiking more social and meet others?

Join hiking groups through sites like MeetUp. Talk to fellow hikers on popular trails. Bring friends along. Consider guided group hikes if new to the area.

Are there places to hike that won’t be crowded with other people?

Yes! Lesser known and remote parks see fewer crowds if you seek solitude. Also, try hiking mid-week instead of busy weekends. Wake up early to beat others on trails.

How can I make hiking fun for my kids?

Let them set the pace, take breaks, and pick trail snacks. Make it an adventure by geocaching or looking for wildlife. Add games like I Spy. Reward completed hikes with treats.

As a beginner, what’s the best way to start hiking?

Start with trails marked as easy or moderate difficulty in your area. Begin with just a mile or two until your fitness level improves. Slowly build distance and difficulty over time.

Should I be afraid of wildlife when hiking?

Not usually. Observe wildlife from a safe distance. Make noise to avoid surprising bears or snakes. Stay calm if you encounter wildlife and give them space to retreat.

What should I do if I get injured or lost hiking?

If injured, assess if you can self-treat and then safely exit or if search and rescue is required. If lost, stay in one place. Use signals to be located.

Is it safe for me to hike if I have medical conditions?

Discuss any conditions and precautions with your doctor. They may recommend avoiding extreme elevations or staying on marked trails. Carry medications as needed.

Do I need to be in shape to go on a guided hiking tour or can anyone do it?

Guided tour companies offer selections for all levels. There are easy options for beginners as long as you have basic mobility. Read trip details.

Is it better to hike in the summer or winter months?

Each season has pros and cons. Summer provides long days, but can be hot and crowded. Winter has solitude but shorter daylight and colder weather that requires more gear.

How can I make hiking more environmentally friendly?

Stay on marked trails to avoid erosion. Pack out all trash. Don’t approach or feed wildlife. Avoid campfires when possible. Use green gear brands.

Do I need hiking experience to backpack?

Prior-day hiking experience allows you to gauge your fitness and test gear for backpacking. Taking an overnight backpacking course can also help you gain the necessary skills.

How important is checking the weather for hiking?

Always check forecasts before hiking, especially for high elevation, exposed trails, or routes requiring special gear in rain or snow. Turn back if conditions worsen.

Is hiking safe for seniors or those with disabilities?

Absolutely. Choose routes rated easy or moderate that match your mobility. Use aids like trekking poles or required mobility devices. Tell someone your plan.

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