How Long Does It Take to Walk 3 Miles?-Embracing the Journey: Unlocking Speed and Joy (January 2024)

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Walking 3 miles is a great way to get exercise, improve your health, and enjoy the journey. But how long does it take to walk 3 miles? The answer depends on a variety of factors like your age, fitness level, terrain, and walking pace. This guide provides estimates, tips, and the benefits of walking 3 miles to help you plan your walking routine. Embrace the journey and let’s unlock the speed and joy of walking 3 miles!

Average Time to Walk 3 Miles for Women by Age

The average time it takes women to walk 3 miles varies by age. Here are the estimates:

Women Under 30

Women under 30 who walk at a moderate pace take about 45-50 minutes to complete 3 miles. At a brisk pace of 15 minutes per mile, women under 30 can finish 3 miles in about 45 minutes.

Women 30-50 Years Old

For women aged 30-50 walking at a moderate pace, it takes about 50-55 minutes to walk 3 miles. At a brisk 15-minute mile pace, they can complete 3 miles in around 45 minutes.

Women Over 50

Women over 50 generally take 50-60 minutes to walk 3 miles at a moderate pace. At a brisk pace, they take about 50-55 minutes to complete the 3 miles.

As women get older, joint pain, decreased muscle mass, and lower cardiovascular endurance can slow pace and increase walk times. But staying active by walking can greatly reduce these effects of aging.

Average Time to Walk 3 Miles for Men by Age

Like with women, the time it takes men to walk 3 miles also increases with age. Here are the estimates by age group:

Men Under 30

Men under 30 can complete 3 miles in about 40-45 minutes if walking at a moderate pace. At a brisk 15-minute-per-mile pace, it takes them about 45 minutes.

Men 30-50 Years Old

Men aged 30-50 take about 45-50 minutes to walk 3 miles at a moderate pace. At a brisk 15-minute mile pace, they complete 3 miles in 45 minutes.

Men Over 50

Men over 50 take about 50-60 minutes to walk 3 miles at a moderate pace. At a brisk 15-minute-per-mile pace, it takes about 50-55 minutes to complete the 3 miles.

Why is Walking Good?

Walking is an accessible and effective form of exercise that offers many health benefits including:

  • Improves cardiovascular health and endurance
  • Strengthens muscles and bones
  • Burns calories to aid weight loss and maintenance
  • Reduces stress and improves mood
  • Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Reduces risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer

In addition to physical health perks, walking also provides mental benefits such as:

  • Boosts energy and fights fatigue
  • Enhances creativity and productivity
  • Clears mind to improve focus and concentration
  • Alleviates anxiety, depression, and tension

Walking 3 miles per day can go a long way in achieving these rewards.

Is Walking 3 Miles in 45 Minutes Good?

Yes, walking 3 miles in 45 minutes is a good pace and exercise target for most moderately active people under age 60. This pace translates to 15 minutes per mile or a 4 mph brisk walking speed.

Completing 3 miles at this brisk 45-minute pace provides substantial health and fitness benefits including:

  • Achieves the weekly recommended 2.5 hours of moderate cardio activity
  • Burns approximately 300 calories to help manage weight
  • Strengthens heart, lungs, and circulatory system
  • Improves stamina, endurance, and vigor
  • Reduces stress hormones and induces calming effects

For optimal results, complement your 3-mile brisk walks with strength training, lifestyle activity, proper nutrition, and restful sleep.

Is Walking 3 Miles in 55 Minutes Good?

Walking 3 miles in 55 minutes is a moderate-intensity pace that offers worthwhile health gains. This pace averages out to about 11-minute miles or 3-3.5 mph.

While not as vigorous as a brisk 45-minute 3-mile walk, maintaining a moderate 55-minute pace supplies perks like:

  • Burns approx. 250 calories per session
  • Raises heart rate for 45+ minutes for cardiovascular conditioning
  • Improves leg strength, flexibility, and balance
  • Alleviates anxiety and tension, enhances mood
  • Fits exercise into the busy schedule in under an hour

Building up to a faster 45-minute pace is encouraged. But the key is sticking to a consistent walking regimen, even at a moderate 55-minute 3-mile pace, to accrue meaningful benefits over time.

How Many Steps to Walk 3 Miles?

It takes most people anywhere from 6,000 to 9,000 steps to walk 3 miles, with the average being around 7,500 steps. This assumes a moderate walking pace of 3 to 3.5 mph.

Here’s a breakdown by pace:

  • Brisk (15 min/mile): Approximately 6,000 steps
  • Moderate (12-14 min/mile): Around 7,500 steps
  • Leisurely (16+ min/mile) Around 9,000 steps

As a benchmark, recommended daily step counts range from 7,000-9,000 steps per day for moderately active adults. So walking 3 miles provides the majority of, or exceeds, the daily step goal.

How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking 3 Miles?

Walking 3 miles burns approximately 200-300 calories depending on your weight and pace. Here’s an estimate of calories burned walking 3 miles:

Calories Burned Walking 3 Miles

Pace120 lb Person155 lb Person180 lb Person
Brisk (15 min/mile)~275 calories~355 calories~410 calories
Moderate (14 min/mile)~250 calories~325 calories~375 calories
Leisurely (16+ min/mile)~225 calories~290 calories~340 calories

As shown, heavier individuals burn more calories at the same pace. Up the intensity with a brisk walk to torch even more calories.

Is Walking 3 Miles a Day Enough?

For most healthy adults, walking 3 miles daily provides sufficient activity for staying fit. Getting in that standard 30-60 minutes of daily moderate exercise through a consistent 3-mile walk supplies health gains like:

  • Achieving the recommended weekly 150+ minutes of moderate activity
  • Lowering the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke
  • Managing healthy body weight and body fat percentage
  • Improving cardiovascular endurance and longevity

Complement your regimen with 2 days a week of strength training, lifestyle activity, proper nutrition, and rest for amplified and sustainable fitness.

But be sure to consult your physician before significantly increasing exercise levels. Start low and gradually build up over time at an appropriate pace for your fitness level.

Plan Your Walking Routine

Here are some tips for planning your 3-mile daily walking regimen:

Set a Schedule

Block off time in your calendar and set reminders to stick with the routine. Schedule your 3-mile walk at a convenient time when you have the energy and aren’t rushed.

Map Your Route

Use apps like MapMyWalk and plot exactly 3-mile courses through your neighborhood, local park, and trails. Have a few mapped-out 3-mile routes ready to go.

Prep Gear & Supplies

Having comfortable shoes, a fitness tracker, a hydration pack, and a portable speaker ready to grab and go makes it easier to stick with the routine.

Accountability Partner

Ask a friend, co-worker, or family member to join you on walks. An accountability partner can provide social motivation to maintain consistency.

Rest & Recovery

Schedule at least 1 rest day after 2-3 consecutive days of walking to allow your body to adapt and grow stronger. Listen to warning signs of overtraining like excessive soreness or fatigue.

Tips for Walking 3 Miles

Apply these tips and techniques to make your 3-mile walks more pleasant, efficient, and sustainable:


Spend the first 5-10 minutes walking slowly, doing dynamic stretches and joint rotations to prep your body, then gradually pick up the pace.

Posture & Form

Walk tall with an engaged core, eyes forward, relax your shoulders and swing your arms naturally to be more efficient.

Steady Pace

Try to maintain a steady walking cadence throughout with only small fluctuations to achieve an efficient stride.

Mindful Breathing

Inhale/exhale fully and rhythmically to maximize oxygen intake and induce a relaxation response.

Engage Senses

Tune into sounds, scenery, and sensations along your route to immerse yourself and make walks energizing.

Refuel & Rehydrate

Drink water before, during, and after walks, and have a healthy snack like fruit and nuts when needed.

Cool Down

Wind down walks with 5-10 minutes of slower walking plus stretches to aid recovery.

Applying these strategies makes hitting your 3-mile walking goal feel more rejuvenating!

Factors Affecting Walking Time

How long it takes to walk 3 miles depends on several variables including:

Fitness Level

The level of cardiovascular endurance dictates pacing ability over distance.


General slow down of pace happens after age 60 plus joint pain can further hamper speed.

Body Weight

Heavier body weight typically correlates to slower paces and longer distance walk times.


Uneven and very hilly terrain requires more exertion lowering pace.


Extreme cold or heat stresses the body impairing pace ability. Wind can also slow pace.

Accounting for these factors allows you to set realistic time goals for your 3-mile walk.

How Long to Walk 3 Miles in Different Terrain?

The time it takes to walk 3 miles can increase or decrease quite a bit depending on the terrain. Here’s how terrain impacts 3-mile walk time:

Indoor Track – Most efficient surface, walk 3 miles in about 45-55 minutes

Road – Moderate time of around 45-60 minutes to complete 3 miles

Groomed Trail – Slightly slower at roughly 50-65 minutes for 3 miles

Grass/Sand – More taxing on the legs slowing pace to about 60-75 minutes

Hilly Trail – Intense effort hiking up hills lengthens time to around 65-85 minutes

If tackling more challenging terrain like hills or sand, adjust your expectations and walk at an intensity where you can maintain steady pacing and breathing.

How Long Does It Take to Walk 3 Miles on a Treadmill?

At a standard walking speed and incline, most people complete 3 miles on a treadmill in 45 to 60 minutes. Here’s a breakdown:

Miles per Hour SpeedTime for 3 Miles
3 mph60 minutes
3.5 mph51 minutes
4 mph45 minutes
4.5 mph40 minutes

So if walking at a moderate pace of 3 to 3.5 mph, allot about 50 to 60 minutes to finish 3 miles on a treadmill. Those with higher fitness can pump up speed to 4+ mph and finish quicker.

Adjust the incline higher to increase intensity, improve conditioning, and burn more calories. But too high of an incline stresses joints, and lowers pace and efficiency.

Effects of Terrain on Walking Speed

The type of terrain under your feet impacts walking speed and pace. Here’s how different terrains affect most people’s pace:

Road/Pavement -Best surface for maintaining the consistent brisk pace of 15-16+ minute miles

Track – Allows for the fastest pace. Complete a mile in 13 minutes or less at high speeds.

Treadmill – Easy to dial into a steady brisk or moderate pace around 15-17 minute miles

Grass/Dirt Trails – More variation in terrain slightly hinders a steady brisk pace, slowing to 16-18 minute miles

Hilly Trails – Focus turns to safely navigating uneven terrain and hills which substantially reduces pace to 18+ min/miles

Sand – The most challenging surface, walking in soft sand can drop the pace by 50% or more slow miles to 20+ minutes

Plan route terrain accordingly to match your goals – Whether going for speed, wanting varied scenery, or needing an easier surface for injury/conditioning level.

Calculating Walking Time Based on Fitness Level

Your current fitness level is a major factor in determining walking speed and how long it takes to cover 3 miles. Here’s how to calculate the time needed based on level:

Very Fit

Can sustain brisk pace of 15-16 minutes per mile. It takes about 45 minutes total to walk 3 miles.

Moderately Fit

Capable of a moderate pace of 16-18 minutes per mile. Allow about 50-55 minutes for 3 miles.

Low Fitness

Move at a casual 20+ minute per mile pace. Budget about 60-75 minutes to complete the 3 miles.

Out of Shape

Will struggle with a pace greater than 20 minutes per mile. Need 75+ minutes to finish 3 3-mile distance.

As your fitness improves, your pace will quicken and you’ll complete 3 miles faster. But when just starting, keep the pace easy with ample rest intervals while building endurance over months. Patience pays off in the long run!


How long does it take to walk 3 miles? As discussed, a variety of factors impact how long it takes to complete 3 miles including your age, gender, weight, terrain, fitness level, walking pace, and more.

While crossectional elements like age and genetics play a role, elements like improving fitness level, choosing efficient terrain, and optimizing pacing strategy are within your control. Employ the tips provided to enhance these factors and unlock your ideal walking speed and enjoyment.

Commit to a smart training plan that progressively builds your cardiovascular endurance. Consistency is key even if that means starting with leisurely 30-minute mile walks. Mix up terrain for adaptation and enjoyment. Proper preparation, realistic expectations, safe progression, and listening to your body are critical to preventing injury and experiencing the most gains.

The journey of walking is as meaningful as the destination. With over 200 health benefits, walking 3 miles daily gifts you renewed energy, creativity, and vantage points to uncover beauty and meaning in each step. Our life is defined by the steps we take. Make those 7,500-odd daily steps build towards your dreams.

FAQs About Walking 3 Miles

How long does it take the average person to walk 3 miles?

For most moderately active adults, it takes about 50-60 minutes to complete a 3-mile walk at a moderate 12-15 minute per mile walking pace. Greater fitness levels and a brisk pace can reduce times closer to 45 minutes.

What is considered a good time to walk 3 miles?

A reasonable goal for most walkers is completing 3 miles in 50-60 minutes. But a brisk 45-minute 3-mile walk at a 15-minute-per-mile pace provides greater health and fitness benefits.

What is a brisk walking pace per mile?

A brisk walking pace averages about 15 minutes per mile, which equates to 4 miles per hour. This raises the heart rate higher for improved cardiovascular conditioning compared to an easier stroll.

How many steps does it take to walk 3 miles?

It typically takes between 6,000 and 9,000 steps to complete a 3-mile walk depending on your pace, with the average being around 7,500 steps to walk 3 miles.

How do you build up to walking 3 miles a day?

Start with a 15-30 minute walk most days of the week at an easy pace. Gradually increase total weekly walking time and distance walked over subsequent weeks by 10%. Work your way up to walking 45-60 minutes each session.

Should you walk every day or take rest days?

Balance walking most days of the week with 1-2 rest recovery days where you walk minimally or not at all. This allows muscles, connective tissues, and the cardiovascular system to adapt and become more resilient.

Will walking 3 miles a day lead to weight loss?

Yes, walking 3 miles daily consistently creates a calorie deficit leading to weight and body fat loss over time. Increase the calorie burn by picking up the pace and combining walking with a low-calorie meal plan.

How many calories does walking 3 miles burn?

Those weighing around 150 pounds burn approximately 325 calories walking 3 miles at a moderate pace. Speed up the pace to burn over 350 calories. Heavier walkers burn more and lighter walkers burn fewer calories.

What happens if you start walking 3 miles every day?

Forming a consistent daily walking habit provides cardiovascular health improvements, enhanced muscle and bone strength, weight management, and a sunnier, calmer, more energized mood. Just be sure to rest periodically.

Is it OK to walk 3 miles twice a day?

For most people, walking 3 miles twice daily is safe so long as the exertion level stays in the low to moderate intensity zone and adequate recovery days are factored in. But consult your doctor before significantly increasing exercise levels.

How can I walk 3 miles more comfortably?

Good walking shoes, apparel layers, a hydration pack, applied sunscreen, a padded strap pack, stretching pre/post walk, practicing good posture and form, maintaining a steady pace, and engaging the senses along your route can make 3-mile walks more comfortable.

What is the best way to warm up before a 3-mile walk?

Walk slowly for 5-10 minutes, then do dynamic stretches like hip circles and knee lifts. Finish warming up gradually elevating exertion until reaching your steady walking pace around 10 minutes into the walk.

What should walking 3 miles feel like?

Walking 3 miles at an appropriate pace typically feels moderately challenging by the end, you’re breathing deeper and sweating more, but not gasping for air or leg-weary enough to need to stop. The final mile may push your limits if the pacing is brisk and steady earlier on.

Is walking 5 miles a day better than 3 miles?

It’s often better to start with a 3 mile per day walking target which provides great health payoffs. Then gradually progress total weekly walking distance and time from there week-by-week until you can comfortably walk 5 miles some days.

Is walking 3 miles in 60 minutes too slow?

While a 60-minute 3-mile walk pace is considered leisurely, it still yields worthwhile fitness and health gains. Over time, work on quickening your pace and shaving minutes off to build towards 45-50 minute 3-mile walk capability.

Should I walk for longer or faster to enhance endurance?

The best approach is to extend walking distance or duration first for about 4 weeks until adapting, then increase pace demands for the next training cycle pushing cardiovascular capabilities higher.

Can walking 3 miles every day lead to overtraining?

For most people, the moderate exertion of a daily 3-mile walk provides an appropriate training stimulus without overdoing it. But take a rest day when feeling overly fatigued and consult your physician if chronic unusual soreness emerges.

What surfaces are best to walk 3 miles?

Paved surfaces like roads, tracks, and treadmills facilitate faster paces necessary to complete 3 miles comfortably in under an hour. Softer surfaces like grass and sand offer added joint cushioning but a substantially slow pace.

Should I walk on an incline to intensify 3-mile workouts?

Yes. Walking on treadmills, hills or routes with some incline increases exercise difficulty to elevate heart rate and better condition lower body muscles with less joint stress compared to distance running.

About how many steps should I take on my 3-mile walk?

Most people take between 6,000 to 9,000 steps to walk 3 miles depending on factors like pace, fitness level, terrain, etc. 7,500 steps is suitable if you average about 16 minutes per mile across the 3 miles.

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